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亚洲bet356体育在线官网|外研版丨七年级下册英语Module 7~Module8知识点总结!

发布时间:2023-11-01 点击量:188
本文摘要:Module 7★重点单词1. the name of ... ……的名字2. on the east coast 在东海岸3. primary school 小学4. twelve years ago 十二年以前5. lots of 许多6. go back 回去7. movie stars 影戏明星8. living room 客厅★焦点句型1. Where were you born?你出生在哪?

Module 7★重点单词1. the name of ... ……的名字2. on the east coast 在东海岸3. primary school 小学4. twelve years ago 十二年以前5. lots of 许多6. go back 回去7. movie stars 影戏明星8. living room 客厅★焦点句型1. Where were you born?你出生在哪?2. Who was your first teacher?谁是你的第一位老师?3. What were they like?他们怎么样?4. There was a garden with lots of trees in it.有一个内里有许多树的花园。5. It was great to play there.在那里玩耍很棒。

6. I am looking forward to seeing my friends again.我期待再次见到我的朋侪们。7. I was very good.我很守规则。★语法点击本模块课文中我们见到了一般已往时态,今天我们先来学习一下 be 动词的一般已往式吧。

am 和 is 的已往式为 was;are 的已往式为 were。组成: 1. 肯定句:主语 + was (were) + 表语。如:I was at school yesterday. 昨天我在学校。

2. 否认句:主语 + was (were) + not + 表语。如:We weren't at home yesterday. 昨天我们没在家。He wasn't in the library this morning. 今天早上他没在图书馆。

3. 一般疑问句:Was (Were) + 主语 + 表语?肯定回覆:Yes,主语(代词)+ was / were。否认回覆:No,主语(代词)+ wasn't / weren't。如:— Were you happy yesterday? 你昨天兴奋吗?— Yes, I was. 是的,我兴奋。

/ No, I wasn't. 不,我不兴奋。— Was Kelly at home last night? 凯丽昨晚在家吗?— Yes, she was. 是的,她在。/ No, she wasn't. 不,她不在。


★写作一招鲜Step 1 写作任务如果你是大明,你们班的交流生托尼向你讲述了一些有关他在美国已往的生活。请凭据表格中的内容提示,以“Tony's past life”为题, 写一篇 70 词左右的文章。

Step 2 词汇遐想1. 好朋侪 good friend2. 出生 be born3. 小镇 small town4. 在……前面 in front of...Step 3 常用句型1. be from... 来自……2. There were/was... 已往有……Step 4 思路点拨第一部门 先简朴先容一下托尼是我的朋侪,他的出生日期和出生地。Tony is my good friend. He was born on July 12th, 2003 in a small town ...第二部门 再详细先容托尼已往的屋子的样子及其周围的工具。His house was big and comfortable with many rooms. There were many trees ...第三部门 最后再先容托尼周围的人以及朋侪和老师。


The people in the town were all friendly to Tony. Many children were his friends.Step 5 范文展示Tony's past lifeTony is my good friend. He is from America. He studies in our class now. He was born on July 12th, 2003 in a small town near New York. His house was big and comfortable with many rooms. There were many trees in front of the house. And there was a big garden behind the house. The people in the town were all friendly to Tony. Many children were his friends. His primary school was in the town too. His first teacher was Miss Green. She was very beautiful.Module 8★重点单词1. once upon a time 从前2. all alone 独个儿3. pick up 拿起;举起4. in pieces 破碎 5. look around 环视四周6. knock on 敲7. wait a moment 等一会儿8. sit down 坐下9. hurry out of 急忙出来10. at first 起初;首先11. go for a walk 散步12. point at 指向★焦点句型1. There's nothing in ...……内里没有工具。2. There was nobody there.那儿没有人。3. Did sb do sth?某人做过某事吗?★语法点击上期我们学习了 be 动词的一般已往时,那么行为动词已往式的组成规则你们相识吗?一起来看看吧。

1. 行为动词已往式的组成:行为动词已往式的组成分为规则变化和不规则变化两种形式,本期我们先来学习其规则变化所遵循的原则:(1)一般在动词后加-ed。如:work —worked, start — started, collect — collected(2)以不发音的字母 e 末端的动词后,只加 -d。如:like — liked, hope — hoped(3)以“辅音字母 + y”末端的动词后,则改 y 为 i,再加 -ed。如:carry — carried, hurry — hurried, cry — cried(4)以重读闭音节末端且末尾只有一个辅音字 母的动词时,双写这个辅音字母,再加 -ed。

如:plan — planned2. 规则动词一般已往时的句式变化(1) 肯定句:主语 + 规则动词的已往式 + 其 他。如:They cleaned the room yesterday. 他们昨天扫除了房间。

(2) 否认句:主语 + did not / didn't + 规则动 词原形 + 其他。如:I didn't plan to see him this morning. 今天上午我没计划见他。(3) 一般疑问句:Did + 主语 + 规则动词原形 + 其他?肯定回覆:Yes, 主语(代词)+ did。否认回覆:No, 主语(代词)+ didn't。

如:— Did they talk about the film last night? 昨晚他们讨论那部影戏了吗?— Yes, they did. / No, they didn't. 是的,他们讨论了。/不,他们没有讨论。★写作一招鲜Step 1 写作任务如果你是芳芳,你的笔友 David 来信问你上周六和家人都做了什么事。请凭据提示写封回信。

要求:语句通顺,语法正确,70 词左右。Step 2 词汇遐想1. 听新闻 listen to the news2. 做家务 do housework3. 观光博物馆 visit the museum4. 做一顿丰盛的饭 cook a big mealStep 3 常用句型1. be happy to do sth 做某事很兴奋2. Sb + did sth 某人做了什么……Step 4 思路点拨第一部门 先简朴先容一下对收到来信的喜悦及 要回复信件的或许内容。

I'm very happy to receive your letter. Now let me tell you what my family and I did last Saturday.第二部门 再根据时间顺序详细先容上周六所做的事情。In the morning, my ... In the afternoon, ... What about me? ...第三部门 最后再表达希望收到对方的回信。I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.Step 5 范文展示 Dear David, I'm very happy to receive your letter. Now let me tell you what my family and I did last Saturday. In the morning, my grandfather and grandmother watched TV. My father listened to the news. My mother did housework and I visited the museum with my friends. In the afternoon, my grandfather walked in the park. My father played basketball with his friends. My mother cooked a big meal with my grandmother for the family. What about me? I visited my English teacher. What did you do last Saturday? I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Fangfang声明:转自《双语学习报》。

